In this blog we are going to explore python's specialized container datatypes NamedTuple
, Counter
which come from the built-in collections
module. These derived datatypes provide an alternative to python's built-int datatypes list
, set
, tuple
, and dict
Collections module
Collections is a built-in python module that provides us with derived data types of list, set, tuple, and dict. This module consists of namedtuple
, deque
, ChainMap
, Counter
, OrderedDict
, defaultdict
, UserDict
, UserList
, UserString
. You can explore all of them from the official documentation but here we are going to discuss about NamedTuple
and Counter
This is a subclass of dict used for counting the hashtable objects . Now you might think what a hashtable is? A hashtable is data structure that stores items in key value pair. Dict or Dictionary is the implementation of hashtable in python. To get started let's import Counter at first.
>>> from collections import Counter
Now let's make an instance/object of the class.
>>> c = Counter("Python is amazing")# argument as a string
While creating an instance of this class we can pass list, tuple, dict, string and keyword arguments to it.
>>> fruits = Counter(["mango" , "mango" , "apple" , "apple" , "grape"])# argument as a list
>>> vehicle = Counter({"car" : 2 , "bike" : "5" , "bus" : 10})# argument as a dictionary
>>> count = Counter(one = 1, two = 2, three = 3 , four = 4)# arguments as keyword arguments.
All of them are gonna create a Counter object which has the count of all the elements of the datatype passed to it.
>>> print("total number of a characters in the string is:",c["a"])
total number of a characters in the string is:2
>>> print("total number of mangoes in the collection is : ",fruits["mango"])
total number of mangoes in the collection is : 2
>>> print("total number of buses in the collection is : ",vehicle["bus"])
total number of buses in the collection is : 10
You get the point now it basically stores count of each element.
Methods of counter object
It supports all the methods of a dict (get, update, pop etc). But here are the special one (ones that the a dict dose not support).
This returns an iterator over elements repeating each as many times as it count. If you directly use the object it will look something like this.
>>> print(count.elements())
<itertools.chain object at 0x7fa8e6164520>
We need to convert this into a iterator or iterable. Let's just convert one of them into a list. It will ignore keys with negative count.
>>> fruits_list = list(fruits.elements())# converting the Counter object to a list
>>> fruits_list
['mango', 'mango', 'apple', 'apple', 'grape']
>>> ex = Counter(one = -1 , two = 2 ,three = 3)
>>> list(ex.elements())
['two', 'two', 'three', 'three', 'three']# one got ignore since it has negative count
This method returns a list of the n most common elements and their counts from the most common to the least. If n is not passed to it it returns all the elements in the counter.
>>> print(Counter('abracadatzbra').most_common(3))# printing out the most common 3 chars from the passed string.
[('a', 5), ('b', 2), ('r', 2)]
subtract(iterable or mapping)
This method subtracts all count of one object and returns None. Once you call the method the count values are mutated/changed.
>>> count_2 = Counter(one = 2 , two = 1 , three = 10)# creating another Counter object
>>> count.subtract(count_2)#subtracting the values from count to count_2
>>> count
Counter({'four': 4, 'two': 1, 'one': -1, 'three': -7})
This methods computes the sum of all the counts.
population = Counter(man=10, women=5)
print("the total population is : "
the total population is : 15
Named Tuple
This is a quite interesting one. This returns a new tuple subclass named typename. This create a tuple-like objects that have fields accessible by indexing or attribute look up. OK let's understand what that means.
>>> from collections import namedtuple # importing namedtuple from collections
>>> Vehicle = namedtuple("Vehicle" , ["name" , "speed" , "color"])# creating a vehicle namedtuple object
Now we can use this Vehicle as a Class to create objects of it.
>>> car = Vehicle("car" , "200km/hr" , "black") # creating a car object from the namedtuple Vehicle
>>> bus = Vehicle("bus" , "120km/hr" , "red")# same as above creating a bus instance
Now let's access the values by attribute lookup at first.
>>> print("name of the vehicle is " + , "and it's sped is "+car.speed)
name of the vehicle is car and it's sped is 200km/hr
>>> print("name of the vehicle is " + , "and it's sped is " + bus.speed)
name of the vehicle is bus and it's sped is 120km/hr
By indexing.
>>> print("name of the vehicle is " + car[0] , "and it's sped is "+car[1])
name of the vehicle is car and it's sped is 200km/hr
>>> print("name of the vehicle is " + bus[0] , "and it's sped is " + bus[1])
name of the vehicle is bus and it's sped is 120km/hr
Collection module has other data types too which are not covered in this article. You should definitely give them a try. NamedTuple and Counter can come in handy when you want to write short python code that does your job. Checkout the collections module.